时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||||
08:00-09:00 | 致辞 |
大会开幕式及领导致辞 Opening ceremony and anniversary activity |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||||||
09:00-09:40 | 专题报告(Online/线上) |
三维超声如何成像组织胚胎学 How does three-dimensional ultrasound imagine embryonic structures |
09:40-10:00 | 专题报告 |
妊娠早期超声筛查,我们能做哪些? Early pregnancy ultrasound scan: what can we do? |
10:00-10:20 | 讨论 |
解读、讨论、答疑 |
10:20-10:50 | 专题报告 |
早产的预测与预防 Prediction and prevention of preterm birth |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution |
10:50-11:10 | 午餐会 |
胎儿颅脑和脊柱超声筛查诊断新技术应用 Application of new diagnostic techniques in fetal brain and spinal ultrasound screening |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution |
11:10-11:30 | 午餐会 |
早孕胚胎及胎儿期中枢神经系统超声解剖新进展 Advances of ultrasound anatomy of early pregnancy embroys and fetuses in central nervous system |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||||||
13:00-13:20 | 专题报告 |
胎儿超声心动图检查新进展 Advances in fetal echocardiography |
13:20-13:40 | 专题报告 |
胎儿心脏病一体化管理智能解决方案 Intelligent solutions for integrated management of fetal congenital heart defect |
13:40-13:50 |
解读、讨论、答疑 |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||||||
13:50-14:30 | 专题报告(Online/线上) |
超声显示孕晚期大脑发育 Ultrasound demonstration: fetal brain in third trimester |
14:30-15:10 | 专题报告(Online/线上) |
孕晚期大脑的异常发育与咨询挑战 The third trimester brain: abnormal development and counselling |
15:10-15:25 |
解读、讨论、答疑 |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||||||
15:25-16:05 | 专题报告(Online/线上) |
先天性膈疝的治疗进展 Progress in the treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
16:05-16:25 | 专题报告 |
胎儿胸腔异常的超声诊断 Ultrasound Ultrasound diagnosis of fetal chest abnormalities |
16:25-16:40 | 讨论 |
MDT讨论 |